Mi Teacher de Centro

Mi Teacher de Centro

miércoles, 18 de abril de 2018

How does Laura spend her money?

Laura and Clint are having a conversation about how she spends her money. She is not sure how she is spending her money, and that is why Clint is helping her to make a list of her daily expenses.

I don’t know where all my money goes.
Do you have a budget?
No, I don’t.
Well, … Have you ever tried to figure out where you spend money?
Umm, no!
OK. Get a piece of paper. Let’s go through your day.
Let’s see. The first thing I do in the morning is to stop at the coffee shop. I buy a cup of coffee and a doughnut there.
All right. How much do you spend there?
About $4.
And how do you get to work? You only live about a mile from work, right?
Well, I usually don’t get on time to work, so I take the bus. That’s about $2.
Then, what about lunch?
I buy my lunch in the cafeteria. It’s about $8 for a sandwich and iced tea.
Do you spend any more money for food?
Hmm! Just a soda from the vending machine. That’s a dollar.
Do you walk home?
No, I’m too tired. I pay another two dollars for the bus. Oh, and when I get off the bus, I stop and buy a lottery ticket on my way home. That’s a dollar.
Well, it’s easy to see where all your money goes.

As soon as you are finished reading this conversation, go back to class and answer the questions with your peers.

viernes, 4 de septiembre de 2015

233: Active vs. Passive Voice

Active vs. Passive Voice

Some students are not sure how to transform active sentences into passive voice sentences. 

Here you have a lot of examples in all kinds of verb tenses.

Download a PDF of this information from the YourDictionary.Com webpage.

232: Anyone / No one & Any one / None

Anyone / No one & Any one / None 

The confusion with "anyone and any one" and "none and no one" could be blamed on the way they sound.

These long but explanatory infographic will help you understand how they are used.

231: Reflexive Pronouns

Reflexive Pronouns

Do you understand what a reflexive pronoun is in English? Are you certain of how to use them correctly?

Here you have a nice infographic that summarizes what they are and how to use them.

230: Whether of If?

Whether of If?

What's the difference between "whether" and "if?" The following infographic will help you understand the main difference between both of them.

229: Collocations with GET

Collocations with GET

Keep in mind that get is the most versatile verb in English because depending on what word comes after it, it changes meaning. It's difficult to say how many collocations there are with get, but the following is a good way to remember some of its most common ones.

1. Do you always get along with all partners in a classroom?
2- Do you usually get over an ear infection quickly or slowly?

Can you guess the meaning of all expressions here? See the examples provided in the chart. And in case you don't understand any of them, ask your teacher next time you go to class.

228: Verbs Followed by Gerunds

Verbs Followed by Gerunds

The following information can help you understand and remember these verbs that only take gerunds after them.

Which of these two sentences is correct?
a) I don't mind going to the movies on weekdays.
b) I don't mind to go to the movies on weekdays.

Read the chart and find out what the right answer is.