Mi Teacher de Centro

Mi Teacher de Centro

jueves, 11 de junio de 2015

#184: Buildings


These group of words can help you talk about different types of buildings.

Can you add more to the list?

#183: Basic Verbs

Basic Verbs

Here you have more vocabulary to study. You can use these basic verbs to describe ongoing actions.

For example:
-What’s the man doing?
-He’s giving the woman some flowers.

#182: Activities


Here you have some common activities to talk about things you used to do as a small child.

For example:
-I used to ride a rocking horse in my grandma’s house.

-I used to play the guitar while I was in high school, but not anymore.

#181: -ed and –ing Adjectives

-ed and –ing Adjectives

The following infographic can help you understand and see the difference between –ed and –ing forms used as adjectives.
People make common mistakes with some words because they don’t understand the difference.

-I am bored vs. I am boring!
-My day was tired vs. My day was tiring!

#180: Tea Time in England

Tea Time in England

This time we have a culture capsule for all of you. As you many know, tea is a very important drink for people in England and the British Isles.

Do you know how many different types of tea time British people have?

#179: Transition Words

Transition Words

Transition words are expressions used to join sentences while writing a composition. When you are telling a story, you also use this kind of words, too.

Here you have a nice list of them to learn and to practice.

#178: Directions in English

Directions in English

People give directions very differently depending where they live or what country they come from.

Here you have a list of expressions you can use to practice giving directions in your town.

#177: The Weather

The Weather

Now that the rainy season has already begun, take a look out your window and describe the weather?
-Is it sunny, cloudy, or rainy?
-Is it rather stormy with lightning?
-Isn’t it foggy and windy?

martes, 9 de junio de 2015

#176: This / That / These / Those

This / That / These / Those

Here you have a simple practice to work with demonstratives. Complete them and ask your teacher if you have any questions.

#175: Shopping Vocabulary

Shopping Vocabulary

Sometimes when you compare vocabulary used in the United States to the one used in the United Kingdom, you find differences. For example, a shop in the UK is a store in the US.

What about the other words? Is it the same or is it a different word?

#174: Tricky Prepositions

Tricky Prepositions

For those of you who are worried about how to use prepositions in English correctly, here you have some collocations for you to explore.

#173: “A” versus “An”

“A” versus “An”

Here you have a very simple explanation regarding the articles “a” and “an.”

See the examples below.

#172: The TWO sides of TO and TOO

The TWO sides of TO and TOO

The words two, to, and too are called homophones. That is, you pronounce them exactly the same, but you have to use them differently.

Read the information below, so you don’t make mistakes the next time you use them in writing.

#171: People Idioms

People Idioms

Are you a couch potato? Is your mother an early bird? Are your partners in class fair weather friends?

Explore the meaning of these people idioms with the infographic below. And try to learn them to sound more natural when speaking.

#170: DO – DOES – DID - DONE


Let’s review the verb forms for “to do” and the auxiliaries.

#169: Phrasal Verbs and Health & Fitness

Phrasal Verbs and Health & Fitness

If you are into sports or if you just want to be fit, the following infographic is giving you some sample collocations used in health and fitness.
How often do you work out?

Are you planning to cut down on your protein intake?

#168: Word Families

Word Families

Teachers usually suggest that students learn and practice with word families to expand vocabulary.

The infographic below helps you understand how these words are used in context. Why don’t you learn some expressions from the list below.

#167: Confusing Words

Confusing Words

Here you have an infographic containing some easily confused words in English. Read the explanation and pay attention to the examples.

lunes, 8 de junio de 2015

#166: Medicine


This is a nice review of vocabulary especially when you need to go to a drugstore.

#!65: Parts of the Car

Parts of the Car

·        Can you describe a car?
·        Can you name the most important parts of a car?
·        Where is the trunk in a car? In front or in the back?

Study the following infographic to learn more about the parts of a car.

#164: Pronunciation of S

Pronunciation of S

If you are always wondering how the S is pronounced in different words, here you have very simple rules to follow.

#163: "Clean" Collocations

“Clean” Collocations

How often are you looking for some clean air especially when your mother is in the middle of the spring clean?

How many other questions can you make by combining both types of collocations?

#162: Expressions with “get” and “take”

Expressions with “get” and “take”

When was the last time you took an exam?
I made an exam last week.
You mean, you took an exam last week. Teachers make exams. Students take exams.

Explore more expressions with the infographic below.

#161: Ways to Say Thank you

Ways to Say Thank you

We usually say either “thank you” or “thanks,” but there are other ways to express your gratitude.

The infographic below gives you some other alternatives.

lunes, 1 de junio de 2015

#160a: Phrasal Verbs: Throw

Phrasal Verbs: Throw

Can you complete this crossword puzzle in less than 3 minutes?

Follow the instructions below, and use the infographic to get the answers.

Open this other window to access crossword puzzle.

#160b: Phrasal Verbs: Throw

Phrasal Verbs with THROW

Phrasal Verbs with THROW


Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.

#159: Phrasal Verbs: Have

Phrasal Verbs: Have

Can you build some sentences using these collocations?
  1. What do you have against me?
  2. Can I have you around in case I need help?
  3.  Let’s have the Smiths in for some coffee.

#158: Prepositions: IN – ON- AT

Prepositions: IN – ON- AT

The following infographic for prepositions is a nice way to learn or review them. It also includes examples for you to remember.